Discover A Different Kind Of Power Catamaran

At Aspen Power Catamarans, We Use Real Innovation To Enhance Performance And Efficiency In Every Model. The Secret Is An Asymmetrical Design That Delivers Straight Tracking And A Comfortable Ride, With Less Resistance Than A Typical Catamaran.

Find Out What Sets Aspen Power Catamarans Apart

C120 Arctic

Modern power catamarans come in many different styles and configurations. The benefits of catamaran designs typically include increased stability, deck space, ride, and cruising efficiency. At Aspen, we think differently and refined the concept further by developing a unique PROA cat that maximizes fuel efficiency and range while improving ride and seaworthiness.

Aspen Power Catamarans Hull Design

Patent No. US 8,109,221 B2

Matchless Efficiency and Performance

Aspens offer all the advantages of a catamaran, but in a design that can use a single, efficient diesel inboard or two outboards of different horsepower.

True Innovation in Design

The Aspen hull design offers the stability and space of a catamaran, but tracks straight with a single diesel inboard or two outboards of different horsepower.

A Thirst for Adventure

Because Aspen owners tend to go on long trips exploring remote areas, we have included a double-bottom construction method.

Intelligent Interiors

Thanks to the dual hull design, every Aspen has interior room comparable to that of a monohull that is 25 percent longer, but it’s what we do with that space that sets us apart.

Built with Care

The composites used in the construction of an Aspen power cat are a thoughtful balance of modern high technology, using premium Vinylester and Isophthalic resins, S-glass, Kevlar, and cross-linked PVC cores ranging in thickness from a quarter-inch all the way up to 2 1/2 inches.

Come and Visit Us

We love to show off our factory and introduce folks to the dedicated team that crafts each Aspen with care and passion.

Aspen Catamaran Enjoyment
Enjoy the Privileges of Aspen Ownership

Members of the Aspen Owner’s Club know how to get more enjoyment from life, and we couldn’t be happier. They keep in touch with us, and many join our annual Owner’s Club Cruises where we share cruising stories and good times along an exciting cruising itinerary.

Take Care of Your Aspen the Right Way

Many owners work with us to keep their Aspen running the way it should. After all, who would know better about the various systems and structure than the team who built it? Also we love to work with owners on refit projects to incorporate new ideas.

Taking care of your aspen catamaran
Aspen Catamaran upgrades
Upgrades and Opportunities

Looking to get into an Aspen without the wait for a new yacht? Check out our brokerage listings and see the pre-owned yachts we have available. There’s no better place to find these efficient, well-loved cruisers, since we are also in the business of servicing many Aspens, and we stay in the know about yachts that may be coming available due to trade-ins and upgrade deals.