Trailering a Boat Opens Up a World of Options
Today’s modern vehicles and modern vessels combine design and technology to deliver more. Larger boats provide more onboard space and accommodations, have enhanced offshore capabilities but can still be handled easily with electronic engine controls and some combination of bow and/or stern thrusters. Larger pick-up trucks and SUVs have the capacity to launch, retrieve, and tow even substantial vessels. Trailers are no longer just reserved for tenders, daysailers, fishing skiffs, or other small boats. Many boaters want the comfort and accommodations larger vessel afford but still relish the convenience of trailerability.

Trailerable models from Aspen combine space and seakeeping with the easy haulout, storage, launch, and transport capabilities.
Not only are Aspens easy to launch and retrieve but trailerability gives owners the ability to commute snowbird style from colder climates to warmer ones for the winter. Aspens have ample accommodation spaces so owners can stay on the vessel both while they commute and when they arrive at their destination. Easy trailering means owners can save money on slips and allows owners to haul their boats for the winter themselves instead of paying Travelift and storage fees. Trailerability also helps resale values: Buyers from all over North America can purchase a trailerable Aspen and it is relatively easy and cost-effective to transport the boat to a different location.
Aspen Power Catamarans Make Sense as a Trailerable Boat
Here are three good reasons that Aspens work well as a trailerable boat:
- Less Weight: For towing, Aspen models are often substantially lighter than both monohulls and other catamarans of similar LOA. A 27’ Aspen is under 7,000 pounds with an aluminum trailer compared to more than 8,500 pounds for a comparably sized catamaran, and more than 9,000 pounds for a monohull.
- Deck Space: Many boaters “outgrow” towable boats because they want more room aboard. That same Aspen compares favorably with useful deck space of nearly 200 square feet, as opposed to an estimated square footage of less than 175 for the Glacier Bay catamaran and less than 150 for the monohull Grady-White.
- Cruising Accommodations: The patented proa hull design means Aspen owners have better cruising performance and amenities when compared to boats of other designs with a comparable LOA. Even the smaller Aspens have king size master beds unheard of in other trailerable boats. Aspens light weight and slippery, low-drag hulls that provide a smooth ride and unparalleled efficiency. They also provide the kind of performance that experienced cruisers look for when dealing with rough water. The bottom line: Boaters who choose an Aspen aren’t giving up anything—instead they are getting the convenience of trailerability as a bonus.